Roof Repair


What Causes Problems in Commercial Roofing Systems?

With residential roofing systems, regular inspections are important to spot, diagnose and address potential problems before they cause serious damage to the rest of your home. This is just as, if not more, true with commercial roofing systems. When the flat roof on a commercial property fails, there is often a lot at stake. That’s why managers…


Tips for Commercial Roofing Maintenance

Facility maintenance is part and parcel of a property manager’s list of duties. There are roof maintenance needs that must be done by the management as a whole, and there are maintenance requests from individual tenants that must be addressed promptly. Juggling between all these responsibilities can be stressful.


How to Prevent Roof Condensation

Roof condensation is generally considered a tricky problem. It often looks like a leak, with “sweating” walls and running water inside your home. But when you look for the source, it’s likely that you won’t find any physical damage to your roof.


The 4 Telltale Signs That Your Roof Needs to Be Repaired

Asphalt is the most popular roofing material in the country due to its affordability, durability and wide range of colors and styles. However, as time goes by and if the proper roofing maintenance procedures aren’t taken, your roofing system will need repairs. Homeowners like yourself will simply need to be on the lookout for the…


How Money Can Buy Homeowners Happiness and Satisfaction

At some point in your life, you’ve likely heard the phrase that “money can’t buy happiness”. This is true to some extent; after all, money can’t buy you emotional or familial security. Surprisingly enough, however, researchers have recently published a study that shows that it is possible for money to buy homeowners such as yourself…


How to Maintain Wood Decks

Wood decks are probably one of the most exposed wood structures you will have in your home. It is subjected to heat, cold, dry and wet weather so you need extra care for these extensions to last. First, You have to check decks for damages. These are not just limited to worn or warped wood…


A Look at Our Financing Options

Whether a residential roofing project happens relies largely on whether you have the financial liquidity required for it or not. We understand that this is by no means a simple endeavor, which is why we offer a financing program. This program is not a one-size-fits-all affair; in order to get the best option for your… #2

Tips on Choosing a Reputable Roofing Contractor

When someone repairs or replaces your roof, you can’t climb the top of your house and monitor the workmanship of the crew you hire. You can only hope that you choose the right contractor once the contract is signed.


4 Main Differences Between Pitched and Flat Roofs

Appearance may be an obvious distinction between pitched and flat roofs, but they’re more dissimilar than you might think. Today, Pressure Point Roofing, Inc., expounds on how the two differ in four key areas:

Common Roofing Problems Pressure Point Roofing Can Address

Common Roofing Problems Pressure Point Roofing, Inc. Can Address

As one of the leading and most-trusted local residential roofing companies in southern Oregon, Pressure Point Roofing, Inc. is the contractor to call for quality roofing services. With nearly three decades of professional experience, we know the right solutions to offer when your home starts experiencing roofing problems.